01 April 2005

Terri Schiavo

This will be simple. I'm not passing judgment on the quality of her life... I'm passing judgment on the quality of her death.

She was extremely disabled. She lie in a bed, fully functional to be "alive" except her food had to be given to her, just like an infant. She was a dependent... and because of this dependency she died by starvation.

In a muddy battle of the courts, without a clear discernment of the truth, this lady was revoked water and food to die a horrible death.

"OYEZ OYEZ OYEZ, GOD SAVE THIS HONORABLE COURT" has a whole new ring to it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How true, no one should have to die of starvation. NO matter what your age this should be the "wake-up" call. Let her life and subsequent death lead people to make up "Living Wills" and "Durable Power of Attorney" forms. Had Terry Schiavo had either of these documents, then her wishes would have been known. One need only download both of these forms....fill them out and have them witnessed being signed by two non-relatives. No need to have notarized....copies to the important people in their lives and the original with a lawyer/ doctor or in an available place.