16 September 2005


First: I feel very sorry for those that have lost anything or experienced the trauma of Hurricane Katrina.

This is a different Issue.

The issue is rebuilding. I was reading a unique article in Newsweek the other day... It spoke about the founding of New Orleans and how shortly there after it was obliterated by a hurricane. The town rebuilt and then it was again obliterated by another hurricane.

Throughout my scholastic career, if I have been tought anything, it has been this: Learn from History, as it tends to Repeat itself.

After that first hurricane I mentioned, the town had an opportunity to learn while it was still small. It did not. So now, after we anticipate many deaths and billions of dollars worth of damage, why would we ever think about rebuilding? GOSH, MOVE THE TOWN.

I don't care what you say... levees are never the answer... we aren't going to be able to beat nature all of the time. We are building a town on a delta, below sea level with levees that are holding back the sedimentation from up stream, so it is actually sinking farther.

I fear the mentality we currently have in government, here is an example:

One: "in this time of disaster we need to loose all rationality to help and make ourselves look good since we didn't respond too well initially."
Response: Effective Assistance, that is well organized, pre-planned, and has vision is the only assistance that will work.

Two: "we are man... we are americans...hear our MONETARY POLITICAL ROAR!!!... this will either a/ never happen again, or b/ will not be able to beat our better, bigger, badder forces... dude...
response: bull, Get a grip... we are not going to be able to rebuild stronger... nature will beat us... We are not almightly and powerful, this is a scorched earth battle, and we are just destroying ourselves to say we can win.

Please...remember I feel very bad for these people, but worst of all, i don't want them to have to expereince them again. Lets get smart hear, and come up with a better solution.

Use Your Brain.

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