28 January 2007

I'm Back! For Now.

SO. It has been quite a long amount of time since my last blog. I've learned that something like blogging is an interesting addiction. It haunts you for a short amount of time, you feel committed and the need to blog every day. Then, it just WHOOFS, and leaves you. That is, something usually quickly takes its place. A blog is something you have to make TIME for - something that most do not have a lot of, especially me.

Therefore, let us not pretend. I'm going to blog today, and possibly tomorrow. (I agree -- blogging does help me synthesize some of my thoughts, and I always enjoy people's comments) After that however (tomorrow that is) I may not blog for another six months. So what I'm trying to say, is don't hold me to this. I don't want you people to start posting crap like ("You stopped posting!!!) and crap like that. If I want to, I will, if you don't like it, who cares!

I think this describes the depressive mode I'm in. SO - with that, to the first blog of this season (good thought, treat my return to blogging as the newest Season of Kodemistro Talk, when we go out of season, you'll have have to deal with Re-Runs!)


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