04 February 2007

Money, Forwards, and the Like

Fellow Students,
Recently, we have all noticed a large number of emails circulating our once peaceful Brevard College network making promises of money from Mr. Bill Gates.  Aside of the fact that Bill Gates has pledged the majority of his wealth to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (as has Warren Buffet), don't you think it is a bit unbelievable that Bill Gates would give his money to users of email?  His wealth has been based on taking money FROM computer users - why would he reverse that?
Furthermore - this forward has quite a bit of history behind it, all of which shows it to be completely false:
As college students we have learned over our time here to question the unquestionable, challenge the facts, and pursue the unreachable.  Please, don't lose those skills when it comes to email forwards!  We all rely on email for credible college communication between our fellow students, faculty, and staff.  Don't ruin it for everyone by sending worthless emails.
If you still want a shot at Bill Gates' money, I encourage you to pursue a grant or scholarship from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation: http://www.gatesfoundation.org/default.htm
Best of Luck!
Vice President
Student Government
Brevard College

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.