30 January 2005

Shake Shake Shake, Shake Your Booty!

Fidgeting Helps Separate the Lean From the Obese, Study Finds (washingtonpost.com)

Interesting, we'll I guess I'll try to keep more busy. I've lost nearly 20 pounds in the last several months. I'd like to attribute that all to not drinking sodas, but I'd probably be lying. I've kept busy, I've watched what I've ate, and walked to where I was going, much much more!

So I'll keep walking, keep watching that food harder, and more or less: just care about my health and future!

I implore you to do the same! Keep Busy!

See! Look at the snow! Isn't it nice! Looking Glass Falls is easy to get too and only 95 steps to the bottom! Posted by Hello

29 January 2005

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow...

So it came... and still coming. Maybe this burst of desire within the souls of Brevardians to purchase their beer was meerely some sort of barometric Pressure Warning. Woke up this morning with quite a bit of powder on the ground. Had a nice hike in the woods, slid down the snow trails and looking forward to skiing next weekend.

So I retract my previous comment regarding the snow... but realize what a big person I am... I didn't delete the old post and all those lovely comments. Remember... Just because I'm arrogant, doesn't mean I'm right all the time. Just right more than you. :-)

28 January 2005

Wintry Mix... My Hiney!

www.weather.com - Weekend Weather

Brevard is sat snug in a valley. Our mountains mess with these weather systems that come through. Sadly, we never get the snow we want. The weather channel has been pridicting snow and "wintery mix" for Brevard for the past several days. Sadly I doubt we'll see any snow.

What is funny is this: I've lived here for only a year and a half now, and I think I've pretty much figured out these false snow reports. However. The grocery stores were packed today. Every Brevardian was in to buy the necessisties of survival if they get stuck: Milk, Bread, and Beer! I am so glad they have their priorities. We'll if the snow storm fails, at least they went ahead and bought the beer, for some reason, I don't think they'll save it... Do you? Whatever...

Keep Warm.

27 January 2005

Oh, It's Good to Be Right!!!

Dear ol' Audi Dealership:

Do you remember all that time we spent together, talking Mr. Service Manager? I sure do. You were so correct about all that "topical damage" to the seat back cover. It was paid for once, to be bought of course, then again last July for replacement, then it broke again. Stupid Cheap plastic clips. They just can't hold on. The passenger side was original, but the Driver Seat was replaced at least once. For some reason... you insisted it was our fault, it was one of us who bumped it and broke it. Strange... we broke it in 6 months, but without concession you wouldn't replace the 145 dollar part.

THEN it Happened. The car had a sad accident, and was in the body shop. The Shop examned the seat back cover and found that the expensive audi-detail lumbar support had busted a support rod, and was "lumbaring" in both directions! Can you believe it MR. SERVICE MANAGER? I mean... can you? That the lumbar support had been busting the seat back cover...! I can't believe it. Strange. It broke so frequently, but it was my fault. We'll looks like the warranty on the "entry-level luxury sedan" will cover the "not so luxury mistake."

My question is... Who will be covering the other times we replaced it. Lets thinking about this... You missed it, you examined it several times, right in front of me. Yet you were so certain.... We'll mistakes can be a bummer, can't they Mr. Service Manager! You miss spoke, and we had to Mis-pay. We'll, I'll forgive your mis-speak, if you forgive the mis-pay! DEAL? We accept cash, check, and money order. THANKS!

25 January 2005

All of a Sudden There Rose up a Clatter...

So i was confronted by someone, we will identify them as person x. Person X felt that I had not given them adequate opportunity to lead in the position they had requested. They made such an acusition that amounted to saying that regardless of their personality, I would ignore their existence as a leader of this notforementioned group.

I don't personally believe that was an honest thing to say. I don't believe I would ignore someone in this situation:

Person A (another hypothetical) requests the assignment to share leadership capabilities of Group P. Group P meets the first and several times, each time, Person A is doing their best to be including, adequately being involved, preparing themselves for the meetings, and contacting myself (as requested with ideas).

In such a situation, I don't think I would honestly neglect the OBVIOUS leadership of Person A. I think there are a couple things to notice here. Person A is an obvious leader because they have obvious followers and obvious involvement.

Now lets look at Person X (Wellborn wouldn't like such identification, he would perfer some sort of sub-scipt system...) So... Person X:

Person X expresses an interest in leading a group because a) they believe it will benefit them (according to person X) and b) they jump in to volunteer at the last minute (after myself). Person X comes unprepared to the first meeting, and even says "let me say something, so I look involved" Person X misses parts and all of several meetings. They don't speak, and inevitably feel very upset with the meetings. (This voids the requirement of "involvement"... Doesn't it?) Several people contact myself, asking questions, looking for ideas, and trying to find information. Meanwhile, no one contacts Person X for the same or similar reasons. (therefore... that violates requirement of "followers"...does it not?). Then after all this, Person X even tells another that they are not involved enough, and should step down from the leadership position.

Please compare Person X to Person A. Would you feel that hypothetical A and X match as leaders? Strange I believe... and NO... NOT a match.

Maybe there is something I'm missing, please comment if I am.


I was very surprised when I was contacted and verbally attacked for my lack of allowance to involve Person X. I guess the moral here (accoring to person x) is this: no matter what, continue to contact someone, even when they have expressed no interest in involvement in a leadership capacity.

I responded to the person... with the above ideas... but they quickly returned a response saying I had assumed too much, and now they might as we'll quit, but not to count on that. They left the option open it seems... Once again, the sun sets, and I am in the dark.

I just don't think I can understand this person. I wish they would be a little more foreward/upfront/honest.

I'm a guardian... that matches!?!

So... I like doing these temperament sorters... I did one.. online at www.advisorteam.com/temperament_sorter. After 70 questions, I got the below results. Pretty Nifty. I would think it describes me very well. I've done many of them, I find them proof that that are key parts of our personalities, and I'm we'll suited for my specific group. The funny thing is... after you do it... they want you to pay money for the whole information... but that's just stupid.

Funny connection.. My middle name means Guardian or Cheif Protector.

Your Temperament is Guardian (SJ)

Guardians, are the cornerstone of society, for they are the temperament given to serving and preserving our most important social institutions. Guardians have natural talent in managing goods and services--from supervision to maintenance and supply--and they use all their skills to keep things running smoothly in their families, communities, schools, churches, hospitals, and businesses.

Guardians can have a lot of fun with their friends, but they are quite serious about their duties and responsibilities. Guardians take pride in being dependable and trustworthy; if there's a job to be done, they can be counted on to put their shoulder to the wheel. Guardians also believe in law and order, and sometimes worry that respect for authority, even a fundamental sense of right and wrong, is being lost. Perhaps this is why Guardians honor customs and traditions so strongly--they are familiar patterns that help bring stability to our modern, fast-paced world.

Practical and down-to-earth, Guardians believe in following the rules and cooperating with others. They are not very comfortable winging it or blazing new trails; working steadily within the system is the Guardian way, for in the long run loyalty, discipline, and teamwork get the job done right. Guardians are meticulous about schedules and have a sharp eye for proper procedures. They are cautious about change, even though they know that change can be healthy for an institution. Better to go slowly, they say, and look before you leap.

Guardians make up as much as 40 to 45 percent of the population."

Twilighting in the Zone....

Old Home Page:

I was browsing around my old site, trying to get ideas for my new one... when low and behold I found some quotes I had put on the homepage. They each are part of my history, in some sense or another, regardless, they sure did make me laugh...

"I will be the greatest, I will be the leader of the free world, I will be the valedictorian, I will be the sole one who holds in his hands the complete control of the cosmos, all this will come to pass, as it is my purpose.'

Success is not the goal, it is how you take the journey.

A true friend recognizes that relationships should not be held to a standard of perfection, but a standard of constant understanding. Only when this occurs on both parts will the relationship be fulfilling, rewarding, and enduring.

'It's weird, but I feel like I've come home by going to college.' - VM"

24 January 2005


The CRC meeting was taxing... let me tell you. I have a newly developed sympathy for those who created the Constitution of the United States...

I think the first thing we'll talk about at our next meeting will be to talk about not being right or wrong, respect for each other, and maintaining respect.

I think it is time to take a peak at what we are all envisioning... and go from there.

Blessed be those who persevere, because they will recieve a document... Funny EH?

Busy Monday

So... Addiction to the Kodemistro Talk has become official. I went to bed last night about 5:00 AM... quick to rise around 9:00AM... So I am running on LOW OCTANE here.

Class is going well... I really enjoy teaching the Anatomy and Physiology lab... hopefully I'll be some sort of teaching doctor... which leads me to my next discussion.

We had Class today with Ralph. Communicated about communications for some time. It got heated for a while, we were talking about our last class. But things finally cooled down. We spent time talking about which each of us want to do with our lives... I have a lot of it planned, maybe I'm too neurotic... Maybe I'm becoming monk. I have noticed neatness really affecting me. GOSH... "I bought you your own shower head... that way we could each have our own."

Have a Tri-Beta meeting tonight, then I'm dedicating myself to the sole purpose of WEB SITE PUBLISHING. I'm going to break out the Dreamweaver, and see what hopes I can sew.

I'll catch up with Homework later.


23 January 2005


this is an audio post - click to play


Hey, whats up? I've never really messed with a Blog before... but I figure I'd give it a try!

So, I'll be posting some stuff as I go along... this is Totally KODEMISTRO UNCENSORED... so view with discretion... I HAVE NO FILTER!

Additionally... I refuse to acknowledge correct grammar and spelling... deal with it... My name ain't webster...k-peesh?



ghelbian sand structures: the occasional musings of a lady on the left

Check out this link to Jamie's Blog... Read the Monday December 13th entry... Below it is italicized for those who do not know how to use a link...

I attempted to respond, but I'm not listed as a "friend." Therefore... such access is DENIED! We'll I don't take kindly to rejection, and in this era of free speech... I've just meerly LINKED my MORE SUPERIOR BLOG to HER LESS SUPERIOR BLOG.

My original Comment to her was going to be...(in green... geniuses choose green)

Subject: LESBIAN??? REALLY... NOOOO...?!?

I wouldn't jump to say lesbian... but the thought of you and another girl is kinda sexy... And there is the "wife" factor... And how many of the other comments about lesbianhood are from sympathizing females whose company you keep? Curious Observations... But! YOU CAN STILL WATCH MOVIES WITH US... Just don't touch my girlfriend.

Much Love... Your Superior Intellectual Competition.

I don't know why it is that I can't seem to get a date (much less a steady boyfriend), but I have a feeling it might have something to do with the fact that the other night I was assumed no less than TWICE to be a lesbian. Let me make something very clear once and for all: I LIKE BOYS. Thank you.

I'm home (Cornelius) until the morning of the 22nd, that's when our family leaves for Chicago until the 29th. Then I may be going back up to Brevard, depending on Lindsay's plans. So anyone who is going to be in the Brevard area and wouldn't mind us tagging along on some New Year's plans... let me know.

I'm not kidding. I really need to learn to dance. Solange and Matt and I were at the jazz concert on Saturday night and this adorable older couple got up and started dancing - I just want to know how to do that. Still taking offers from anyone who wants to teach me.

I don't have a room in my house anymore. Or a bed. Now I share a bed with the two-year old. Or sleep on the couch. And my parents wonder why I don't come home anymore. Oh, who am I kidding? I love the chaos. Guess it's back to it...

USATODAY.com - Social Security 'crisis' questioned

USATODAY.com - Social Security 'crisis' questioned

Well, big surprise we are running out of money for social security. I'm so glad they take money out of my pay check for it... AREN'T YOU?

In one sense... we're supporting grandma and grandpa, but we sure as heck aren't paying into a system that will reward us in the future!

At this point... I believe I'd favor some sort of pivatization of Social Security... Let me stick some money in an IRA instead... I'd be happy with that!