27 January 2005

Oh, It's Good to Be Right!!!

Dear ol' Audi Dealership:

Do you remember all that time we spent together, talking Mr. Service Manager? I sure do. You were so correct about all that "topical damage" to the seat back cover. It was paid for once, to be bought of course, then again last July for replacement, then it broke again. Stupid Cheap plastic clips. They just can't hold on. The passenger side was original, but the Driver Seat was replaced at least once. For some reason... you insisted it was our fault, it was one of us who bumped it and broke it. Strange... we broke it in 6 months, but without concession you wouldn't replace the 145 dollar part.

THEN it Happened. The car had a sad accident, and was in the body shop. The Shop examned the seat back cover and found that the expensive audi-detail lumbar support had busted a support rod, and was "lumbaring" in both directions! Can you believe it MR. SERVICE MANAGER? I mean... can you? That the lumbar support had been busting the seat back cover...! I can't believe it. Strange. It broke so frequently, but it was my fault. We'll looks like the warranty on the "entry-level luxury sedan" will cover the "not so luxury mistake."

My question is... Who will be covering the other times we replaced it. Lets thinking about this... You missed it, you examined it several times, right in front of me. Yet you were so certain.... We'll mistakes can be a bummer, can't they Mr. Service Manager! You miss spoke, and we had to Mis-pay. We'll, I'll forgive your mis-speak, if you forgive the mis-pay! DEAL? We accept cash, check, and money order. THANKS!

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