23 January 2005


ghelbian sand structures: the occasional musings of a lady on the left

Check out this link to Jamie's Blog... Read the Monday December 13th entry... Below it is italicized for those who do not know how to use a link...

I attempted to respond, but I'm not listed as a "friend." Therefore... such access is DENIED! We'll I don't take kindly to rejection, and in this era of free speech... I've just meerly LINKED my MORE SUPERIOR BLOG to HER LESS SUPERIOR BLOG.

My original Comment to her was going to be...(in green... geniuses choose green)

Subject: LESBIAN??? REALLY... NOOOO...?!?

I wouldn't jump to say lesbian... but the thought of you and another girl is kinda sexy... And there is the "wife" factor... And how many of the other comments about lesbianhood are from sympathizing females whose company you keep? Curious Observations... But! YOU CAN STILL WATCH MOVIES WITH US... Just don't touch my girlfriend.

Much Love... Your Superior Intellectual Competition.

I don't know why it is that I can't seem to get a date (much less a steady boyfriend), but I have a feeling it might have something to do with the fact that the other night I was assumed no less than TWICE to be a lesbian. Let me make something very clear once and for all: I LIKE BOYS. Thank you.

I'm home (Cornelius) until the morning of the 22nd, that's when our family leaves for Chicago until the 29th. Then I may be going back up to Brevard, depending on Lindsay's plans. So anyone who is going to be in the Brevard area and wouldn't mind us tagging along on some New Year's plans... let me know.

I'm not kidding. I really need to learn to dance. Solange and Matt and I were at the jazz concert on Saturday night and this adorable older couple got up and started dancing - I just want to know how to do that. Still taking offers from anyone who wants to teach me.

I don't have a room in my house anymore. Or a bed. Now I share a bed with the two-year old. Or sleep on the couch. And my parents wonder why I don't come home anymore. Oh, who am I kidding? I love the chaos. Guess it's back to it...

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