25 January 2005

All of a Sudden There Rose up a Clatter...

So i was confronted by someone, we will identify them as person x. Person X felt that I had not given them adequate opportunity to lead in the position they had requested. They made such an acusition that amounted to saying that regardless of their personality, I would ignore their existence as a leader of this notforementioned group.

I don't personally believe that was an honest thing to say. I don't believe I would ignore someone in this situation:

Person A (another hypothetical) requests the assignment to share leadership capabilities of Group P. Group P meets the first and several times, each time, Person A is doing their best to be including, adequately being involved, preparing themselves for the meetings, and contacting myself (as requested with ideas).

In such a situation, I don't think I would honestly neglect the OBVIOUS leadership of Person A. I think there are a couple things to notice here. Person A is an obvious leader because they have obvious followers and obvious involvement.

Now lets look at Person X (Wellborn wouldn't like such identification, he would perfer some sort of sub-scipt system...) So... Person X:

Person X expresses an interest in leading a group because a) they believe it will benefit them (according to person X) and b) they jump in to volunteer at the last minute (after myself). Person X comes unprepared to the first meeting, and even says "let me say something, so I look involved" Person X misses parts and all of several meetings. They don't speak, and inevitably feel very upset with the meetings. (This voids the requirement of "involvement"... Doesn't it?) Several people contact myself, asking questions, looking for ideas, and trying to find information. Meanwhile, no one contacts Person X for the same or similar reasons. (therefore... that violates requirement of "followers"...does it not?). Then after all this, Person X even tells another that they are not involved enough, and should step down from the leadership position.

Please compare Person X to Person A. Would you feel that hypothetical A and X match as leaders? Strange I believe... and NO... NOT a match.

Maybe there is something I'm missing, please comment if I am.


I was very surprised when I was contacted and verbally attacked for my lack of allowance to involve Person X. I guess the moral here (accoring to person x) is this: no matter what, continue to contact someone, even when they have expressed no interest in involvement in a leadership capacity.

I responded to the person... with the above ideas... but they quickly returned a response saying I had assumed too much, and now they might as we'll quit, but not to count on that. They left the option open it seems... Once again, the sun sets, and I am in the dark.

I just don't think I can understand this person. I wish they would be a little more foreward/upfront/honest.

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