24 January 2005

Busy Monday

So... Addiction to the Kodemistro Talk has become official. I went to bed last night about 5:00 AM... quick to rise around 9:00AM... So I am running on LOW OCTANE here.

Class is going well... I really enjoy teaching the Anatomy and Physiology lab... hopefully I'll be some sort of teaching doctor... which leads me to my next discussion.

We had Class today with Ralph. Communicated about communications for some time. It got heated for a while, we were talking about our last class. But things finally cooled down. We spent time talking about which each of us want to do with our lives... I have a lot of it planned, maybe I'm too neurotic... Maybe I'm becoming monk. I have noticed neatness really affecting me. GOSH... "I bought you your own shower head... that way we could each have our own."

Have a Tri-Beta meeting tonight, then I'm dedicating myself to the sole purpose of WEB SITE PUBLISHING. I'm going to break out the Dreamweaver, and see what hopes I can sew.

I'll catch up with Homework later.


1 comment:

Allison said...

I guess that dreamweaver can be your soul purpose, as long as Wowison is not too far behind.