25 January 2005

Twilighting in the Zone....

Old Home Page:

I was browsing around my old site, trying to get ideas for my new one... when low and behold I found some quotes I had put on the homepage. They each are part of my history, in some sense or another, regardless, they sure did make me laugh...

"I will be the greatest, I will be the leader of the free world, I will be the valedictorian, I will be the sole one who holds in his hands the complete control of the cosmos, all this will come to pass, as it is my purpose.'

Success is not the goal, it is how you take the journey.

A true friend recognizes that relationships should not be held to a standard of perfection, but a standard of constant understanding. Only when this occurs on both parts will the relationship be fulfilling, rewarding, and enduring.

'It's weird, but I feel like I've come home by going to college.' - VM"

1 comment:

Allison said...

K, I am so glad that you decided to set up these blogs...I think that I am addicted. I love your quotes. I know one thing for sure....you are the ruler of my cosmos!!