28 January 2005

Wintry Mix... My Hiney!

www.weather.com - Weekend Weather

Brevard is sat snug in a valley. Our mountains mess with these weather systems that come through. Sadly, we never get the snow we want. The weather channel has been pridicting snow and "wintery mix" for Brevard for the past several days. Sadly I doubt we'll see any snow.

What is funny is this: I've lived here for only a year and a half now, and I think I've pretty much figured out these false snow reports. However. The grocery stores were packed today. Every Brevardian was in to buy the necessisties of survival if they get stuck: Milk, Bread, and Beer! I am so glad they have their priorities. We'll if the snow storm fails, at least they went ahead and bought the beer, for some reason, I don't think they'll save it... Do you? Whatever...

Keep Warm.


Allison said...

Sorry K, but when I woke up this morning there was some white stuff all over the ground. Maybe the weather man gets paid for something!!

lyonrt said...

Stick to your day job oh Great Kreskin! I think its going to snow tonight!