26 February 2005


Last night I went and saw the Laramie Project. When I first heard that the play was being perforemed here on campus, I had not an idea what it was. Kinda-like my reaction when someone said "effect of gamma rays on man in the moon marigolds..." Kinda like... WHAT THE HECK? Anayws... upon further investigation I found that the Laramie Project is just that. A project in which several dramatist of a theatre company researched the Town of Laramie, Wyoming and their response to the murder of young homosexual male, Matthew Shepherd. About a week before watching the play I began doing a little further research. Research in the form of "google-ing" and research in the form of..."listening to rumors." Both of which I find to be valuable sources, in some form or another. The most interesting thing I learned was something I already knew about...

Reverend Fred Phelps, of Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka Kansas is a popular anti-homosexual (note the difference, not "anti-homosexulaity", no he is a "anti-homosexual"). is a frequent protestor at the play and actually depicted in the play. He appeared at Matthew Shepherd's funeral with signs saying "Matt got what he deserved" and so forth. Truly a crazy man.

Well, the play went on and the school developed what appeared to be a SHABBY plan to handle the protestors if they arrived. Luckily (well somewhat sadistically I wanted them to show) no protestors showed. Phew...

However, as a Christian myself, I can not begin to believe how incredibly horrible it is for someone like Reverend Fred Phelps to advocate the hatred he advocates. He must of forgot to read some big things in the bible like "God is Love" and the talk of Agape love, which transcends all. It is a God-Like love with NO REQUIREMENTS. He must of also forgot the promise that Jesus died for ALL men (which of course includes women). Sadly, Fred I believe is superimposing his hatred or his love of rallying hate upon the name of God. It is sad.

We'll I hope that someone will Google his name and find this BLOG. I'm encouraging all, of any faith, of any belief or disbelief to rally behind this and choose to do one or many of several things:

Write about it (on your blog or any resource you have)
Talk about it (tell all your friends)
Pray about it (Ask God to Help him)
DON'T stop EVER in this face of hatred. Lets not only protest his inhumanity...
lets love him as a person, lets love him as a fellow human being. Maybe it will teach him how to do it - I think that is what would scare him the most!

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