02 February 2005


Working for the "big bucks"

We'll it finally happened. I decided to go back to workstudy in the Administration Office. Last semester was hard, very busy. Plus, I left with scarring experience from Ms. KDS. She really upset me. Regardless, I'm glad I took some time off. However, I'm back in action. Several reasons:

1> More time to work
2> Less other extracurriculars
3> Several changes in personel office.
4> A little extra money doesn't hurt.

While I'd like to say I'm working for the joy of it, I'd be a liar. Instead, I'm working for the big bucks. We'll NOT SO BIG BUCKS. Workstudy puts me at about 5.45/hour. But, it works. For now, I'm viewing it as supplemental to my RA check. So, I'll work all of February, and hopefully in March, I'll be blasted with some good money. For now, I'm working 6-8 hours a week. Quite a step down from my ol' 10-12 hours a week, sometimes 15 when I was a freshman. BOY was I dedicated. I remember some of those checks though... NICENESS. Regardless, I'm happy to be working, and thus far enjoying myself...

I'm currently at the switchboard... gosh I love it :-) NO REALLY, I do! Basically I play on the computer and answer the phone every 10 minutes or so. If the phone rang more often, It be more exciting, but thats ok.

Well I feel that I've at least learned a concept that many people I know don't know... Work where and when you can work, for any amount of money, especially if you need it. Maybe one day, a publisher will call me and ask me to do text book editing in my spare time, we will see! Until then, I'm sticking to the ol' office work... Hope you're pulling in some Washingtons as well!

Best Wishes, Save IT!

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