01 February 2005


My entire life I've been very open with what I say and what I think. I'd be lying if I told you it hasn't come back to bite me in the butt. It has, several times in fact.

Usually it goes like this, I say something, candidly around friends, and some way or another it gets back to the person I was saying someting about. STOP RIGHT THERE. I'm not saying it's always something bad, it may be a compliment or a put down. Regardless, I don't see myself as a back biter.

Usually, if I like you, I'll tell you to your face what bothers me about you. If I have a problem with you, I'll just stop talking to you, pretend like you're gone. The more you attempt to maintain the non existent friendship, the more I will slander your name... But it is usually something like this "This person drives me crazy... they upset me, they won't leave me alone!" You get the picture. (note: if you find me ignoring you... just let it go, it's never going to work)

OK, so back on track:

I was saying, that I usually can't keep my mouth shut, wether it is my feelings or saying something to be funny, It just happens. Maybe you understand, maybe you don't. Regardless, things get around. Many times I say such things in understood confidance, even then, these things get around. This happens to all of us, I'm sure.

Many have this outlook: "I can't believe you told this person what I said... What kind of person are you?"

Mine is slightly different: "It is my fault initially for saying anything, now I know not to trust this person completely, and just not say anything to them.

Usually the above responses occour when someone is telling a very important secret (in our society that can arrange from, "I have cancer" to "I like pickles"

Regardless, my reaction is different when something gets around that was said in honest fun.

Recently I mentioned I thought someone was "hot." AND OH let me tell you, this person is HOT. It's a personal opinion, one my Girl Friend struggles with, but she's had her fair share of lustful eyes... I know, I watch her (JM).

Anyways, I had jokingly carried on this "hot" thing for some time now because of two reasons, 1.) I have a respect for beauty
2.) I enjoy seeing my girlfriend get riled up.

AnyWHO... it got around, can you imagine.

So this girl now knows that I think she is hot, and I guess that is ok. We've become decent friends over the past several months, and I'd venture to say that she is a wonderfully neat person. She has a lot of unique history and what not. Regardless, I'm not shopping right now, I'm definitely more interested in having a friendship.

My initial concern was: "Will this person miss-judge me... a boy lusting for a girl when the BOY is dating someone already" NOT THE CASE.

I love my girlfriend very much... see above for my reasoning regarding "HOT."

SO... I bypassed the initial thought, knowing Herself of HOTNESS knows that I'm intelligent and decent, and not thinking the above initial thought...

So then, I kind of got upset about this person ratting on me. WHY? what was the benefit? Surely, my friend who Ratted on me knows that the "hottness" rating had very little baring, if any at all. Regardless, I guess it just amounted to "talk."

Girls are good at that... "TALKING" I've been in a room before where girls were walls apart having their infamous "girl-talk" PUKE... I'd rather eat dog crap... the giddy giddy laughter of girls fantasizing un-realistically. It is just un-needed.

Girls are social creatures of strong imaginations and un-realistic common sense.
The Scene:
BOY thinks: Gosh, I have a hankering for popcorn
BOY says: I'm going to eat popcorn instead.
GIRL thinks: Oh my gosh... He doesn't want to eat what i made because I'm a bad cook, stupid, fat, and he wants to break up with me.
GIRL says: ok (with that "TONE")

regardless, girl talk is the flip side of this. Imagining that guys say something and they make the best out of it. Such "making the best out if it" only occours in girl talk. Otherwise, they ALWAYS make the worst out of it. REMEMBER: THEY ALWAYS MAKE THE WORST OUT OF WHAT GUYS SAY.

OK... so to tie these several stories together:

Person for telling, you are forgiven. You had to talk, because it is what you have to do... SIMPLY HAVE TO DO. ALSO... when you heard me say hot, you thought negatively, somehow. So, if you convened in girl-talk, it would be better. You probably said "HOT" to this HOT person, and then you giddy giddy laughed while driving down tunnel road. "really" was said a couple times, and then you moved on to patronize some other subject. Regardless, My word, "HOT" not only brought a lot of joy to your short period of conversation, but also made you think highly of me, which should be not only your, but everyones common daily GOAL.

Well Done Ladies.

1 comment:

lyonrt said...

Ill second the last quote you said Ethan..."Kody, I still think you are wrong. She is CUTE, not HOT."...But Robin...shes HOT!!!