19 November 2005

Harry Potter - And the Goblet of Fire

So last night I saw the newest addition to the Harry Potter Movie Series, the Goblet of Fire. There are a couple points I'd like to make. First, Fandango is a wonderful thing! The ability to purchase tickets online, without messing with lines and all that crap. We purchased our tickets online, and when we got to the theater, 30 minutes ahead of the showtime, the tickets were sold out, but it didn't matter! YES.
Second, the new director, Mike Newell, has done a wonderful Job! Newsweek mentioned in this week's edition, that the movie seems shorter (even though it is 157 minutes!) and they are absolutely right.
I think a huge factor is that Harry and friends are growing up. Their struggles seem more realistic and interesting... puberty has set in! Also, the darkness of the movie is getting greater... it is moving away from a "fairy-tale" and more to towards a truly interesting story of a wizard. GREAT MOVIE
My last comment is towards the psychiatric community. I want you all to be prepared. Last night, there were many children dressed up as Harry Potter, and when the movie started, about 40 people in the theater began clapping and cheering. Now, you can see that I like the movie, but I think that some of these children are overly obsessed! So I'm warning you all to be ready for a lot of psychiatric support for these children. One day they are going to realize the inevitable... that Harry Potter isn't real. SHHH.

24 September 2005

Take-Two to resume sales of Grand Theft Auto


Now, having a little brother of age 13, who was obsessed with the predecessors of this game, I must question if it is wise to continue to market such a piece of trash.

Grand Theft Auto can be summed up in one word: SMUT. Driving around in your car, killing people, working your "women," selling "stuff" and then stumbling upon hidden sex scenes. I don't care what the rating is.

Too many parents aren't interested enough or game-savvy enough to care about the game. This game deserves a rating of XXX... And you shouldn't be able to buy it unless you're over 18, and if you buy it for someone younger, it should be illegal.

I am not a fan of the government controlling what we do... But I am realistic in this simple sense. Children don't always make the wisest choices, and when they immerse themselves in a life-like environment where they are participating in all the stuff above, and getting a lot of money(the driving force in our society) for doing it. Then what the crap are we teaching them! As said before, most parents just aren't aware enough of these electronic things, that kids can hide it easy... Hide that they are participating in this smut.

People, do yourselves a favor, buy one of those fabulous CD Shredders... And shove the game in it... Then burn the leftovers.

Don't Let your Kids Play with Trash.

16 September 2005


First: I feel very sorry for those that have lost anything or experienced the trauma of Hurricane Katrina.

This is a different Issue.

The issue is rebuilding. I was reading a unique article in Newsweek the other day... It spoke about the founding of New Orleans and how shortly there after it was obliterated by a hurricane. The town rebuilt and then it was again obliterated by another hurricane.

Throughout my scholastic career, if I have been tought anything, it has been this: Learn from History, as it tends to Repeat itself.

After that first hurricane I mentioned, the town had an opportunity to learn while it was still small. It did not. So now, after we anticipate many deaths and billions of dollars worth of damage, why would we ever think about rebuilding? GOSH, MOVE THE TOWN.

I don't care what you say... levees are never the answer... we aren't going to be able to beat nature all of the time. We are building a town on a delta, below sea level with levees that are holding back the sedimentation from up stream, so it is actually sinking farther.

I fear the mentality we currently have in government, here is an example:

One: "in this time of disaster we need to loose all rationality to help and make ourselves look good since we didn't respond too well initially."
Response: Effective Assistance, that is well organized, pre-planned, and has vision is the only assistance that will work.

Two: "we are man... we are americans...hear our MONETARY POLITICAL ROAR!!!... this will either a/ never happen again, or b/ will not be able to beat our better, bigger, badder forces... dude...
response: bull, Get a grip... we are not going to be able to rebuild stronger... nature will beat us... We are not almightly and powerful, this is a scorched earth battle, and we are just destroying ourselves to say we can win.

Please...remember I feel very bad for these people, but worst of all, i don't want them to have to expereince them again. Lets get smart hear, and come up with a better solution.

Use Your Brain.

03 September 2005

The Race is on...

OK, so I'm running for Junior Class President. I'm very excited... and am expecting some great invovlement with the student government. Hopefully with this new constitution the SGA can be most effective. So... I'll post more about platform and information soon.

Take Care & Don't Forget!

Kody 2005

29 July 2005

Scotland Yard Confirms 3 Arrests Linked to Failed Attack - New York Times

Scotland Yard Confirms 3 Arrests Linked to Failed Attack - New York Times

We'll can't wait to start seeing comments about what is going on in the UK. After 9/11, the United States started getting real serious about hunting down terroist cells and doing as much detective work as possible in order to find terrorists and prevent terrorism. To the point where we began to seem a little "psycho" or "paranoid" Many more liberally focused individuals began to question the actions of the US, and if we were impeding upon the the first amendment rights of individuals in america. (The patriot act?).

Regardless.. one must question if the good outweighs the bad. It is hopeful that certain actions by our government will make a difference, will prevent terror. However, many liberal based individuals still argue that it is not worth it. Chasing people down, arresting individuals, getting more information about people is all too much to risk for a safe home.

The rights of the majority with respect to the minority... must be a precedent here!

We'll regardless, I'm not settled on this issue, but look forward to the criticism to come as it occours elsewhere... Lets watch and think... Sometimes it is easier to judge when it isn't happening to us!

Think about it!

07 June 2005

Going a Little Crazy?

Xinhua - English

Ok, so, I realize that everyone is probably a little crazy in some way or another. At least that is what I have always been told. You always here someone having certain quarks or specific strange things about them. But that is normal isn't it? Isn't it normal for each person to be strange, or SPECIAL in a certain way.

This article confirms my suspicions that the Psychiatrists of today are over-diagnosing. I realize the true existence of mental illnesses, but too many people who are sad are depressed, who are moody are bi-polar, and so forth. I think that too many doctors are seeing our unique qualities as diseases, and in some sort taking advantage of that to get us drugged, to make them feel achieved, and to make money.

On the other hand, it may be because so many people are pushing to be like everyone else, "why am I like this?" or "Why can't I be like that person." Too many people are pushing themselves toward the norm... a place that doesn't really exist in life, only in magazines and on TV...

So, go ahead and push yourself there... but remember, you won't impress me. I will just flip the channel or turn the page. Be Yourself!

01 April 2005

Terri Schiavo

This will be simple. I'm not passing judgment on the quality of her life... I'm passing judgment on the quality of her death.

She was extremely disabled. She lie in a bed, fully functional to be "alive" except her food had to be given to her, just like an infant. She was a dependent... and because of this dependency she died by starvation.

In a muddy battle of the courts, without a clear discernment of the truth, this lady was revoked water and food to die a horrible death.

"OYEZ OYEZ OYEZ, GOD SAVE THIS HONORABLE COURT" has a whole new ring to it.

14 March 2005

Home from Ocracoke! Gosh it was a wonderful time. Naturally there were there up and down points, but overall everything was peachy. Josh and I walked to the beach one day. I got a little camera happy, this is one of my favorite shots. Enjoy Posted by Hello

26 February 2005


Last night I went and saw the Laramie Project. When I first heard that the play was being perforemed here on campus, I had not an idea what it was. Kinda-like my reaction when someone said "effect of gamma rays on man in the moon marigolds..." Kinda like... WHAT THE HECK? Anayws... upon further investigation I found that the Laramie Project is just that. A project in which several dramatist of a theatre company researched the Town of Laramie, Wyoming and their response to the murder of young homosexual male, Matthew Shepherd. About a week before watching the play I began doing a little further research. Research in the form of "google-ing" and research in the form of..."listening to rumors." Both of which I find to be valuable sources, in some form or another. The most interesting thing I learned was something I already knew about...

Reverend Fred Phelps, of Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka Kansas is a popular anti-homosexual (note the difference, not "anti-homosexulaity", no he is a "anti-homosexual"). is a frequent protestor at the play and actually depicted in the play. He appeared at Matthew Shepherd's funeral with signs saying "Matt got what he deserved" and so forth. Truly a crazy man.

Well, the play went on and the school developed what appeared to be a SHABBY plan to handle the protestors if they arrived. Luckily (well somewhat sadistically I wanted them to show) no protestors showed. Phew...

However, as a Christian myself, I can not begin to believe how incredibly horrible it is for someone like Reverend Fred Phelps to advocate the hatred he advocates. He must of forgot to read some big things in the bible like "God is Love" and the talk of Agape love, which transcends all. It is a God-Like love with NO REQUIREMENTS. He must of also forgot the promise that Jesus died for ALL men (which of course includes women). Sadly, Fred I believe is superimposing his hatred or his love of rallying hate upon the name of God. It is sad.

We'll I hope that someone will Google his name and find this BLOG. I'm encouraging all, of any faith, of any belief or disbelief to rally behind this and choose to do one or many of several things:

Write about it (on your blog or any resource you have)
Talk about it (tell all your friends)
Pray about it (Ask God to Help him)
DON'T stop EVER in this face of hatred. Lets not only protest his inhumanity...
lets love him as a person, lets love him as a fellow human being. Maybe it will teach him how to do it - I think that is what would scare him the most!
Taken from Eagle Lake. Looking down on the nestled town of Brevard, NC. How gorgeous.  Posted by Hello

14 February 2005

Meeting People

I've always loved relationships with people. I have different levels of friendships with people from all different age groups. One of my fortes has to be my ability to bond with people that are older than me. I love elderly people and people in their forties. Most of these people like me back because I'm suave, charming, and responsible. Regardless... I just like knowing many different people and listening about their experiences. I feel the more I learn from others (specifically wiser individuals) the less mistakes I may make. Regardless, I've recently bonded with this wonderful couple.

I met the lady at work in the admissions office. She's such a neat person. I would speak to her for quite some time about her experiences, and why she now lives in Brevard and what not.... One day I invited her to go to dinner with Allison and I, and then I got to know her better. This week I met her husband, and we actually went to Dinner with them tonight. I think it is really cool with Allison and I can comfortably double date with a couple in their forties. They are simply wonderful people, and I really enjoy talking to them.

I'm excited to continue our friendship with them. It's amazing how "lines" of our lives are connected with the "dots" of our friendships. They are the staples of existence, relationships are the strongholds that bind us. I'm excited because of the experiences I'm sharing with the new and long term people in my life.

Never push a friend away, don't burn bridges.

Keep Friendly!

St. Valentine's Day Dance

Brevard College SGA hosted a St. Valentine's Day Dance. It was wonderful. The first several hours was more of a formal social, look at how wonderfully we are dressed. LOOK AT MY BEAUTIFUL GIRLFRIEND! Next to her is me, the ever hot boy, with the perfect color tie. Regardless, the formal went on then turned into a booty dance, I won't elaborate... Everything was so much fun! Posted by Hello

09 February 2005


Sorry guys for not keeping up with the posts... I haven't forgotten!

I have so much to do this week. Blood Drive, which was a success! (65 units) and MCAT this weekend.... OUCH! Hopefully I'll do we'll, I'll be studying (as I have been)... Luckily it is just a practice run.

We'll stay tuned for more to come... and keep up the good thinking. Use this time to reflect personally on whats going on in your own lives. While I am a major source for all important concentrate truth and meaning... try to sustain yourself in my absence.

Keep Busy

04 February 2005

Alcohol your friend?

Telegraph | News | Drink is as damaging as tobacco, warn medics

Many of my friends know how strongly I am against the use of Alcohol. I feel that the drug is by far the most mind altering abused drug in the world, especially in the United States. Peoples lives have been ruined and their children's lives have been hugely affected because of someone's desire to drink.

Please let me clarify... Alcohol went very far to ruin my childhood. I don't support it at all. Regardless, if someone chooses to drink, they need to make sure of several things.

~They are ok with the damages to their body
~They are not affecting anyone else (directly or indirectly)

Several college students make the opinion that they can drink now and get drunk, and will get themselves under control later.

Sadly, many of them didn't get the memo. Health Concerns area affecting them now! And alcohol is addicting!

My father had a massive stroke last year from continued alcohol and ciggarette use. More importantly, my father has put so much stress on my family over the course of me and my brothers childhood. I can not tell you how many times I cried wishing dad didn't drink.

Do yourself a favor - Don't start, and if you think you're in control. You're fooling yourself.

Be Smart

02 February 2005


Working for the "big bucks"

We'll it finally happened. I decided to go back to workstudy in the Administration Office. Last semester was hard, very busy. Plus, I left with scarring experience from Ms. KDS. She really upset me. Regardless, I'm glad I took some time off. However, I'm back in action. Several reasons:

1> More time to work
2> Less other extracurriculars
3> Several changes in personel office.
4> A little extra money doesn't hurt.

While I'd like to say I'm working for the joy of it, I'd be a liar. Instead, I'm working for the big bucks. We'll NOT SO BIG BUCKS. Workstudy puts me at about 5.45/hour. But, it works. For now, I'm viewing it as supplemental to my RA check. So, I'll work all of February, and hopefully in March, I'll be blasted with some good money. For now, I'm working 6-8 hours a week. Quite a step down from my ol' 10-12 hours a week, sometimes 15 when I was a freshman. BOY was I dedicated. I remember some of those checks though... NICENESS. Regardless, I'm happy to be working, and thus far enjoying myself...

I'm currently at the switchboard... gosh I love it :-) NO REALLY, I do! Basically I play on the computer and answer the phone every 10 minutes or so. If the phone rang more often, It be more exciting, but thats ok.

Well I feel that I've at least learned a concept that many people I know don't know... Work where and when you can work, for any amount of money, especially if you need it. Maybe one day, a publisher will call me and ask me to do text book editing in my spare time, we will see! Until then, I'm sticking to the ol' office work... Hope you're pulling in some Washingtons as well!

Best Wishes, Save IT!

01 February 2005


My entire life I've been very open with what I say and what I think. I'd be lying if I told you it hasn't come back to bite me in the butt. It has, several times in fact.

Usually it goes like this, I say something, candidly around friends, and some way or another it gets back to the person I was saying someting about. STOP RIGHT THERE. I'm not saying it's always something bad, it may be a compliment or a put down. Regardless, I don't see myself as a back biter.

Usually, if I like you, I'll tell you to your face what bothers me about you. If I have a problem with you, I'll just stop talking to you, pretend like you're gone. The more you attempt to maintain the non existent friendship, the more I will slander your name... But it is usually something like this "This person drives me crazy... they upset me, they won't leave me alone!" You get the picture. (note: if you find me ignoring you... just let it go, it's never going to work)

OK, so back on track:

I was saying, that I usually can't keep my mouth shut, wether it is my feelings or saying something to be funny, It just happens. Maybe you understand, maybe you don't. Regardless, things get around. Many times I say such things in understood confidance, even then, these things get around. This happens to all of us, I'm sure.

Many have this outlook: "I can't believe you told this person what I said... What kind of person are you?"

Mine is slightly different: "It is my fault initially for saying anything, now I know not to trust this person completely, and just not say anything to them.

Usually the above responses occour when someone is telling a very important secret (in our society that can arrange from, "I have cancer" to "I like pickles"

Regardless, my reaction is different when something gets around that was said in honest fun.

Recently I mentioned I thought someone was "hot." AND OH let me tell you, this person is HOT. It's a personal opinion, one my Girl Friend struggles with, but she's had her fair share of lustful eyes... I know, I watch her (JM).

Anyways, I had jokingly carried on this "hot" thing for some time now because of two reasons, 1.) I have a respect for beauty
2.) I enjoy seeing my girlfriend get riled up.

AnyWHO... it got around, can you imagine.

So this girl now knows that I think she is hot, and I guess that is ok. We've become decent friends over the past several months, and I'd venture to say that she is a wonderfully neat person. She has a lot of unique history and what not. Regardless, I'm not shopping right now, I'm definitely more interested in having a friendship.

My initial concern was: "Will this person miss-judge me... a boy lusting for a girl when the BOY is dating someone already" NOT THE CASE.

I love my girlfriend very much... see above for my reasoning regarding "HOT."

SO... I bypassed the initial thought, knowing Herself of HOTNESS knows that I'm intelligent and decent, and not thinking the above initial thought...

So then, I kind of got upset about this person ratting on me. WHY? what was the benefit? Surely, my friend who Ratted on me knows that the "hottness" rating had very little baring, if any at all. Regardless, I guess it just amounted to "talk."

Girls are good at that... "TALKING" I've been in a room before where girls were walls apart having their infamous "girl-talk" PUKE... I'd rather eat dog crap... the giddy giddy laughter of girls fantasizing un-realistically. It is just un-needed.

Girls are social creatures of strong imaginations and un-realistic common sense.
The Scene:
BOY thinks: Gosh, I have a hankering for popcorn
BOY says: I'm going to eat popcorn instead.
GIRL thinks: Oh my gosh... He doesn't want to eat what i made because I'm a bad cook, stupid, fat, and he wants to break up with me.
GIRL says: ok (with that "TONE")

regardless, girl talk is the flip side of this. Imagining that guys say something and they make the best out of it. Such "making the best out if it" only occours in girl talk. Otherwise, they ALWAYS make the worst out of it. REMEMBER: THEY ALWAYS MAKE THE WORST OUT OF WHAT GUYS SAY.

OK... so to tie these several stories together:

Person for telling, you are forgiven. You had to talk, because it is what you have to do... SIMPLY HAVE TO DO. ALSO... when you heard me say hot, you thought negatively, somehow. So, if you convened in girl-talk, it would be better. You probably said "HOT" to this HOT person, and then you giddy giddy laughed while driving down tunnel road. "really" was said a couple times, and then you moved on to patronize some other subject. Regardless, My word, "HOT" not only brought a lot of joy to your short period of conversation, but also made you think highly of me, which should be not only your, but everyones common daily GOAL.

Well Done Ladies.

30 January 2005

Shake Shake Shake, Shake Your Booty!

Fidgeting Helps Separate the Lean From the Obese, Study Finds (washingtonpost.com)

Interesting, we'll I guess I'll try to keep more busy. I've lost nearly 20 pounds in the last several months. I'd like to attribute that all to not drinking sodas, but I'd probably be lying. I've kept busy, I've watched what I've ate, and walked to where I was going, much much more!

So I'll keep walking, keep watching that food harder, and more or less: just care about my health and future!

I implore you to do the same! Keep Busy!

See! Look at the snow! Isn't it nice! Looking Glass Falls is easy to get too and only 95 steps to the bottom! Posted by Hello

29 January 2005

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow...

So it came... and still coming. Maybe this burst of desire within the souls of Brevardians to purchase their beer was meerely some sort of barometric Pressure Warning. Woke up this morning with quite a bit of powder on the ground. Had a nice hike in the woods, slid down the snow trails and looking forward to skiing next weekend.

So I retract my previous comment regarding the snow... but realize what a big person I am... I didn't delete the old post and all those lovely comments. Remember... Just because I'm arrogant, doesn't mean I'm right all the time. Just right more than you. :-)

28 January 2005

Wintry Mix... My Hiney!

www.weather.com - Weekend Weather

Brevard is sat snug in a valley. Our mountains mess with these weather systems that come through. Sadly, we never get the snow we want. The weather channel has been pridicting snow and "wintery mix" for Brevard for the past several days. Sadly I doubt we'll see any snow.

What is funny is this: I've lived here for only a year and a half now, and I think I've pretty much figured out these false snow reports. However. The grocery stores were packed today. Every Brevardian was in to buy the necessisties of survival if they get stuck: Milk, Bread, and Beer! I am so glad they have their priorities. We'll if the snow storm fails, at least they went ahead and bought the beer, for some reason, I don't think they'll save it... Do you? Whatever...

Keep Warm.

27 January 2005

Oh, It's Good to Be Right!!!

Dear ol' Audi Dealership:

Do you remember all that time we spent together, talking Mr. Service Manager? I sure do. You were so correct about all that "topical damage" to the seat back cover. It was paid for once, to be bought of course, then again last July for replacement, then it broke again. Stupid Cheap plastic clips. They just can't hold on. The passenger side was original, but the Driver Seat was replaced at least once. For some reason... you insisted it was our fault, it was one of us who bumped it and broke it. Strange... we broke it in 6 months, but without concession you wouldn't replace the 145 dollar part.

THEN it Happened. The car had a sad accident, and was in the body shop. The Shop examned the seat back cover and found that the expensive audi-detail lumbar support had busted a support rod, and was "lumbaring" in both directions! Can you believe it MR. SERVICE MANAGER? I mean... can you? That the lumbar support had been busting the seat back cover...! I can't believe it. Strange. It broke so frequently, but it was my fault. We'll looks like the warranty on the "entry-level luxury sedan" will cover the "not so luxury mistake."

My question is... Who will be covering the other times we replaced it. Lets thinking about this... You missed it, you examined it several times, right in front of me. Yet you were so certain.... We'll mistakes can be a bummer, can't they Mr. Service Manager! You miss spoke, and we had to Mis-pay. We'll, I'll forgive your mis-speak, if you forgive the mis-pay! DEAL? We accept cash, check, and money order. THANKS!

25 January 2005

All of a Sudden There Rose up a Clatter...

So i was confronted by someone, we will identify them as person x. Person X felt that I had not given them adequate opportunity to lead in the position they had requested. They made such an acusition that amounted to saying that regardless of their personality, I would ignore their existence as a leader of this notforementioned group.

I don't personally believe that was an honest thing to say. I don't believe I would ignore someone in this situation:

Person A (another hypothetical) requests the assignment to share leadership capabilities of Group P. Group P meets the first and several times, each time, Person A is doing their best to be including, adequately being involved, preparing themselves for the meetings, and contacting myself (as requested with ideas).

In such a situation, I don't think I would honestly neglect the OBVIOUS leadership of Person A. I think there are a couple things to notice here. Person A is an obvious leader because they have obvious followers and obvious involvement.

Now lets look at Person X (Wellborn wouldn't like such identification, he would perfer some sort of sub-scipt system...) So... Person X:

Person X expresses an interest in leading a group because a) they believe it will benefit them (according to person X) and b) they jump in to volunteer at the last minute (after myself). Person X comes unprepared to the first meeting, and even says "let me say something, so I look involved" Person X misses parts and all of several meetings. They don't speak, and inevitably feel very upset with the meetings. (This voids the requirement of "involvement"... Doesn't it?) Several people contact myself, asking questions, looking for ideas, and trying to find information. Meanwhile, no one contacts Person X for the same or similar reasons. (therefore... that violates requirement of "followers"...does it not?). Then after all this, Person X even tells another that they are not involved enough, and should step down from the leadership position.

Please compare Person X to Person A. Would you feel that hypothetical A and X match as leaders? Strange I believe... and NO... NOT a match.

Maybe there is something I'm missing, please comment if I am.


I was very surprised when I was contacted and verbally attacked for my lack of allowance to involve Person X. I guess the moral here (accoring to person x) is this: no matter what, continue to contact someone, even when they have expressed no interest in involvement in a leadership capacity.

I responded to the person... with the above ideas... but they quickly returned a response saying I had assumed too much, and now they might as we'll quit, but not to count on that. They left the option open it seems... Once again, the sun sets, and I am in the dark.

I just don't think I can understand this person. I wish they would be a little more foreward/upfront/honest.

I'm a guardian... that matches!?!

So... I like doing these temperament sorters... I did one.. online at www.advisorteam.com/temperament_sorter. After 70 questions, I got the below results. Pretty Nifty. I would think it describes me very well. I've done many of them, I find them proof that that are key parts of our personalities, and I'm we'll suited for my specific group. The funny thing is... after you do it... they want you to pay money for the whole information... but that's just stupid.

Funny connection.. My middle name means Guardian or Cheif Protector.

Your Temperament is Guardian (SJ)

Guardians, are the cornerstone of society, for they are the temperament given to serving and preserving our most important social institutions. Guardians have natural talent in managing goods and services--from supervision to maintenance and supply--and they use all their skills to keep things running smoothly in their families, communities, schools, churches, hospitals, and businesses.

Guardians can have a lot of fun with their friends, but they are quite serious about their duties and responsibilities. Guardians take pride in being dependable and trustworthy; if there's a job to be done, they can be counted on to put their shoulder to the wheel. Guardians also believe in law and order, and sometimes worry that respect for authority, even a fundamental sense of right and wrong, is being lost. Perhaps this is why Guardians honor customs and traditions so strongly--they are familiar patterns that help bring stability to our modern, fast-paced world.

Practical and down-to-earth, Guardians believe in following the rules and cooperating with others. They are not very comfortable winging it or blazing new trails; working steadily within the system is the Guardian way, for in the long run loyalty, discipline, and teamwork get the job done right. Guardians are meticulous about schedules and have a sharp eye for proper procedures. They are cautious about change, even though they know that change can be healthy for an institution. Better to go slowly, they say, and look before you leap.

Guardians make up as much as 40 to 45 percent of the population."

Twilighting in the Zone....

Old Home Page:

I was browsing around my old site, trying to get ideas for my new one... when low and behold I found some quotes I had put on the homepage. They each are part of my history, in some sense or another, regardless, they sure did make me laugh...

"I will be the greatest, I will be the leader of the free world, I will be the valedictorian, I will be the sole one who holds in his hands the complete control of the cosmos, all this will come to pass, as it is my purpose.'

Success is not the goal, it is how you take the journey.

A true friend recognizes that relationships should not be held to a standard of perfection, but a standard of constant understanding. Only when this occurs on both parts will the relationship be fulfilling, rewarding, and enduring.

'It's weird, but I feel like I've come home by going to college.' - VM"

24 January 2005


The CRC meeting was taxing... let me tell you. I have a newly developed sympathy for those who created the Constitution of the United States...

I think the first thing we'll talk about at our next meeting will be to talk about not being right or wrong, respect for each other, and maintaining respect.

I think it is time to take a peak at what we are all envisioning... and go from there.

Blessed be those who persevere, because they will recieve a document... Funny EH?

Busy Monday

So... Addiction to the Kodemistro Talk has become official. I went to bed last night about 5:00 AM... quick to rise around 9:00AM... So I am running on LOW OCTANE here.

Class is going well... I really enjoy teaching the Anatomy and Physiology lab... hopefully I'll be some sort of teaching doctor... which leads me to my next discussion.

We had Class today with Ralph. Communicated about communications for some time. It got heated for a while, we were talking about our last class. But things finally cooled down. We spent time talking about which each of us want to do with our lives... I have a lot of it planned, maybe I'm too neurotic... Maybe I'm becoming monk. I have noticed neatness really affecting me. GOSH... "I bought you your own shower head... that way we could each have our own."

Have a Tri-Beta meeting tonight, then I'm dedicating myself to the sole purpose of WEB SITE PUBLISHING. I'm going to break out the Dreamweaver, and see what hopes I can sew.

I'll catch up with Homework later.


23 January 2005


this is an audio post - click to play


Hey, whats up? I've never really messed with a Blog before... but I figure I'd give it a try!

So, I'll be posting some stuff as I go along... this is Totally KODEMISTRO UNCENSORED... so view with discretion... I HAVE NO FILTER!

Additionally... I refuse to acknowledge correct grammar and spelling... deal with it... My name ain't webster...k-peesh?



ghelbian sand structures: the occasional musings of a lady on the left

Check out this link to Jamie's Blog... Read the Monday December 13th entry... Below it is italicized for those who do not know how to use a link...

I attempted to respond, but I'm not listed as a "friend." Therefore... such access is DENIED! We'll I don't take kindly to rejection, and in this era of free speech... I've just meerly LINKED my MORE SUPERIOR BLOG to HER LESS SUPERIOR BLOG.

My original Comment to her was going to be...(in green... geniuses choose green)

Subject: LESBIAN??? REALLY... NOOOO...?!?

I wouldn't jump to say lesbian... but the thought of you and another girl is kinda sexy... And there is the "wife" factor... And how many of the other comments about lesbianhood are from sympathizing females whose company you keep? Curious Observations... But! YOU CAN STILL WATCH MOVIES WITH US... Just don't touch my girlfriend.

Much Love... Your Superior Intellectual Competition.

I don't know why it is that I can't seem to get a date (much less a steady boyfriend), but I have a feeling it might have something to do with the fact that the other night I was assumed no less than TWICE to be a lesbian. Let me make something very clear once and for all: I LIKE BOYS. Thank you.

I'm home (Cornelius) until the morning of the 22nd, that's when our family leaves for Chicago until the 29th. Then I may be going back up to Brevard, depending on Lindsay's plans. So anyone who is going to be in the Brevard area and wouldn't mind us tagging along on some New Year's plans... let me know.

I'm not kidding. I really need to learn to dance. Solange and Matt and I were at the jazz concert on Saturday night and this adorable older couple got up and started dancing - I just want to know how to do that. Still taking offers from anyone who wants to teach me.

I don't have a room in my house anymore. Or a bed. Now I share a bed with the two-year old. Or sleep on the couch. And my parents wonder why I don't come home anymore. Oh, who am I kidding? I love the chaos. Guess it's back to it...

USATODAY.com - Social Security 'crisis' questioned

USATODAY.com - Social Security 'crisis' questioned

Well, big surprise we are running out of money for social security. I'm so glad they take money out of my pay check for it... AREN'T YOU?

In one sense... we're supporting grandma and grandpa, but we sure as heck aren't paying into a system that will reward us in the future!

At this point... I believe I'd favor some sort of pivatization of Social Security... Let me stick some money in an IRA instead... I'd be happy with that!